Adding automount to OpenLDAP
We went through the configuration of OpenLDAP on a typical Ubuntu Server Raspberry PI system and last time we added sudoers to OpenLDAP. All this to have a general sense of identity in the home network and to help NFS figure out who is the fair owner of the network shares.
OpenLDAP is extensible and you can basically store anything you want there, provided you have a schema for the data type you want to add. We saw this last time when we added sudoers: we needed the sudoer schema. The same is true for automounts. And in my searches to achieve ultimate levels of LDAP configuration I even encountered a schema for Gnome dconf settings. That is to apply the stored Gnome settings at login for each user. So yes, things can get quite wild. But nevermind that, let’s see the autofs schema (available on github):
dn: cn=autofs,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: autofsolcAttributeTypes: {0}( NAME 'automountInformation' DESC 'Information used by the autofs automounter' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )olcObjectClasses: {0}( NAME 'automount' DESC 'An entry in an automounter map' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ automountInformation $ objectclass ) MAY description )olcObjectClasses: {1}( NAME 'automountMap' DESC 'An group of related automount objects' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ou )
As for sudoers, you have to place this in /etc/ldap/schema/autofs.ldif
and we need to register it with OpenLDAP:
#ldapadd -D cn=config -H ldapi:/// -w admin-password -f /etc/ldap/schema/autofs.ldif
Again, note the admin-password
in there, the one configured in the root.ldif
file here. Now we need to create the shares.ldif
file. Before we do that, we need to take note of our configured NFS shares because that’s what we are trying to automount. You can automount whatever shares you want, SMB or any other kind but for now we will focus on NFS. So we will assume this NFS /etc/exports
file described here (available on github):
So now we need to reference each share in shares.ldif
(also on github):
version: 1dn: ou=automount,dc=yourdomain,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: automountdn:,ou=automount,dc=yourdomain,dc=com
objectClass: automountMap
objectClass: top
ou: auto.directdn: ou=auto.master,ou=automount,dc=yourdomain,dc=com
objectClass: automountMap
objectClass: top
ou: auto.masterdn: cn=/-,ou=auto.master,ou=automount,dc=yourdomain,dc=com
objectClass: automount
objectClass: top
cn: /-dn: cn=/mnt/storage/radu,,ou=automount,dc=yourdomain,dc=com
objectClass: automount
objectClass: top
cn: /mnt/network-storage/radudn: cn=/mnt/storage/shared,,ou=automount,dc=yourdomain,dc=com
objectClass: automount
objectClass: top
cn: /mnt/network-storage/shareddn: cn=/mnt/storage/media,,ou=automount,dc=yourdomain,dc=com
objectClass: automount
objectClass: top
cn: /mnt/network-storage/media
Basically the LDAP hierarchy above is like this:
/- (this enables
Messing up the LDAP hirearchy can cause a lot of headaches. You can check if you get it right by running automount --dumpmaps
. This will give you the LDAP hirearchy as read and understood by OpenLDAP. You can check here to see if what you have in your mind is the same thing OpenLDAP understands from the shares.ldif
Also, keep in mind to use your domain definition in shares.ldif
. Where I wrote dc=yourdomain,dc=com
you need to specify your actual domain. At last we need to restart slapd
to enable the changes:
#sudo systemctl restart slapd
Client setup
For the client we need to enable OpenLDAP to read automount definitions and we need to install autofs
, the Linux service which actually performs the automount:
#sudo apt install autofs autofs-ldap
We also need to configure sssd
by editing /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
(also on github):
[domain/]ldap_autofs_search_base = dc=yourdomain,dc=com
ldap_autofs_map_object_class = automountMap
ldap_autofs_entry_object_class = automount
ldap_autofs_map_name = ou
ldap_autofs_entry_key = cn
ldap_autofs_entry_value = automountInformation[autofs]
Note in the listing above that we need to add the [autofs]
defintion and we also need to add the schema description in the [domain]
entry. Again, mind the
part. This needs to be updated to your domain. Now we just need to restart sssd
and autofs
to activate the changes:
#sudo systemctl restart sssd
#sudo systemctl restart autofs
Log out and back in and you should be able to see in /mnt/storage
your shares. If you don’t, try to execute ls /mnt/storage/media
even though you don’t see /media
in /mnt/storage
. Automounts are different from permanent mounts in that the mount point gets created only on demand. And listing the content of the mount point initiates the mount mechanism.
What you accomplished here is not an easy task and figuring out the share hierarchy for shares.ldif
is not easy. But when it works, basically you give all your LDAP users automatic mounts for your desired NAS shares. And they don’t have to do anything to get them. When they log in, they will see the NAS shares in /mnt/storage
automatically. No need to mount, to ask around the addresses of the shares: nothing. It is a very useful feature and I was glad to find it in OpenLDAP. It simplified my setup a lot.
Having said that, we have arrived at the end of the OpenLDAP configuration articles. The next one will deal with another LDAP system, FreeIPA. FreeIPA is industry grade. It is a lot easier to install and a lot easier to configure. You don’t have to mess around with ldif
files because it comes with a web admin application. There is a catch though. If OpenLDAP was no burden on your Raspberry PI, FreeIPA will be. But all that and more in the next article. See you soon!